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Most students from our district will attend Redwood High School, which is part of the Tam Union High School District (TUHSD).  In the past ten years, TUHSD has grown by more 30%, adding 1,200 new students, the equivalent of opening a new school, without additional funding.

In order to address increased costs due to this enrollment growth as well as increased state-mandated costs, the TUHSD Board of Trustees placed Measure J on the November 6, 2018 ballot. The measure would cost $149 per parcel per year for four years and generate $5.1 million in annual funding.

The Tam Union District has already made cuts and if Measure J doesn’t pass, will need to cut an additional $5 million from its budget, equal to laying off 41 teachers, counselors, librarians, and staff, as well as cutting programs.

For more information visit the district’s informational sheet.


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