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KSPTA Resolution on COM Maintenance Facility

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KSPTA Resolution Calling on College of Marin to Mitigate Impacts of the COM Maintenance and Operations Building Adjacent to Kent Middle School
Approved January 27, 2020

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  1. Whereas “The mission of the KSPTA is to support collaboration among parents, teachers, and administrators with the goal of optimizing our children’s education. We advocate for students, promote communication with parents, support our teachers, and facilitate community involvement. Through our large network of volunteers and our fundraising efforts, we provide support for our children and their endeavors in the Kentfield School District”; and
  2. Whereas the College of Marin is currently constructing a 19,559 square foot Maintenance and Operations Building next to the Kent Middle School “Back 50” Play Area, track, and classrooms; and
  3. Whereas the College of Marin filed a Notice of Exemption to build without a full Environmental Impact Report based on the conclusions of the Common Sense Exemption Report prepared by College of Marin with assistance from Rincon Consultants, Inc.; and
  4. Whereas the Common Sense Exemption Report made no mention of the project’s proximity to a public school or the planned use of the facility; and
  5. Whereas the evaluation in the report therefore does not address any potential impacts on Kent students and staff; and
  6. Whereas community members have expressed concerns about the facility’s impact on Kent students and staff, including but not limited to:
    – noise from operations such as trash compaction, truck reverse signals, and maintenance operations
    – traffic dangers including trucks entering and exiting and fumes and exhaust
    – odors and pest problems associated with garbage collection, sorting, and removal
    – possible dangers posed by hazardous materials that may be stored on the premises for cleaning, maintenance, and landscaping operations

Now, therefore, be it

  1. Resolved that the KSPTA will advocate for the Kent students and staff and call upon the College of Marin to address the aforementioned community concerns by stopping work on the facility until a full Environmental Impact Report has been conducted and the College has enacted any appropriate mitigations to protect the safety, well-being, and optimal learning/working environment of the Kent students and staff called for in that report; and
  2. Resolved that the KSPTA will advocate for the Kent students and staff and call upon the College of Marin to address the aforementioned community concerns by working with the Kentfield School District Board and Superintendent to put in place appropriate mitigations to protect the safety, well-being, and optimal learning/working environment of the Kent students and staff; and
  3. Resolved that the KSPTA will collaborate with community leaders advocating for COM to respond to the aforementioned community concerns; and
  4. Resolved that the KSPTA will encourage members to call upon COM to respond to the aforementioned community concerns.
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